Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

AEC  Australian Electoral Commission 
AECG  Aboriginal Education Consultative Group 
AEDP  Aboriginal Economic Development Program 
AMS  Aboriginal Medical Service 
ATSIC  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission 
CEIS  Community Employment Incentive Scheme 
CES  Commonwealth Employment Service 
CHIP  Community Housing and Infrastructure Program 
CDEP Community Development Employment Project 
CYS  Community and Youth Support 
DAA  Department of Aboriginal Affairs 
EEA  Enterprise Employment Assistance 
FOI  Freedom of Information 
HACC  Home and Community Care 
LALC  Local Aboriginal Land Council 
NAHS  National Aboriginal Health Strategy 
NAIDOC  National Aboriginal and Islanders' Day Observance Committee 
NARLA National Aboriginal Rugby League Association 
NEIRC  North Eastern Indigenous Regional Council 
RCIADIC Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 
RCSU Regional Council Support Unit 
TAFE Technical and Further Education 
TRlPP Tripartite NSW Land Council, ATSIC & Dept. Of Aboriginal Affairs