Zone Commissioner's Report

I write this overview with a mix of emotion, my position as Commissioner has during the last 9 months, taken me to various communities, events and engagements throughout the nation. The political and social climate in which we find ourselves today, especially as Indigenous people make my task as an ATSIC Commissioner significantly more rewarding.

At a time when our country and our people are ravished by flagrant acts of racial terrorism; our men and women still overly represented in the 'justice' system; and our youth still searching for a 'level' playing field, our people continue to stand proud and survive.

I participated in and witnessed earlier this year in the New South Wales (NSW) State Parliament, the raising of the Aboriginal flag in chambers (a first for any flag, black or white), all parties joined together in a joint statement, offering an 'apology' for the Stolen Generations. Accepting their role in the legalised forced removal of our children from their families, communities and culture. Regardless of the Federal Government's persistent neglect to follow the lead for the State and Local Government's in this matter.

But out of those statements has come positive moves towards reconciliation and Indigenous empowerment. A commitment by the NSW State Government to increase Indigenous representation in Government, and the establishment mentor programs have and are still being implemented at Local Government Councils around the state.

We are also striving forward in areas such as Native Title, with the reclaiming of and the successful return of land to the Dunghutti Nation in NSW. We have seen the acknowledgment of our elders and youth at the National NAIDOC Awards in Brisbane. 'Elders of the Year' and 'Miss NAIDOC' being nominated and awarded to NSW participants, for their work and continued presence as role models to our people.

Moves have also been made at the ATSIC national level in reinstating the Women's Issues Section at the ATSIC Central Office. This gives our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women their own forum to set agenda items at the national and regional level with an autonomous voice in ATSIC affairs. I have also set the agenda for Youth Affairs, to up the priority for our young men and women in funding and resource capacities.

At ATSIC Regional Council level issues that affect the day to day living of our communities are being addressed. ATSIC is continually striving to better the living standard (lifestyle) of our Indigenous peoples and we have taken on a great responsibility in the management and direction of Aboriginal Affairs. In the current political arena Aboriginal Affairs priority has dropped significantly. We have, as you are aware, taken a great cut in our funding. ATSIC still has to address the same issues with even a greater limit to resources and capital. ATSIC has had to severe some programs and projects, but in answer to this new projects such as Indigenous Business Incentive Program (IBIP) have been launched.

There is a pressing need for a new perspective in Aboriginal Affairs, with self determination and autonomy always a primary focus, business development and sustainability is the new era in community development. The need for our communities and individuals to become commercially and economically viable, as we head into next millennium is paramount.

Many people and communities still are confused about the role of ATSIC and the powers political and otherwise that we as ATSIC Commissioners' hold. I am a community representative, voted in by the people and elected by my colleagues to deliver the message of needs and wants to the ATSIC Board of Commissioners. It is important that my constituents know that I will do my best to direct them and their affairs to the highest authorities and at a personal level, make myself available to hear their concerns.

I would like to thank the Many Rivers Regional Council, especially Chairperson Jimmy Budd, for your support and co-operation. Finally I would also like to thank all the staff at the Lismore ATSIC Regional Office for their continued good work, for which I am sincerely grateful.

Jim Wright
North Eastern Zone