Data Base

NEIRC wished to implement a Data Base to have all information in a central location. Janet Layton in conjunction with Auslig received $13,925 from Program Support a National program to implement the Data Base. With the funds Ms Layton received she completed background research.
NEIRC encourages the new Council to implement the Data Base for the following reasons:-
- assist with strategic planning for future allocation of funds.
- assist in identifying needs for housing, infrastructure, CDEP, business development and land acquisition
- other social programs on a regional basis

State Advisory Committee (SAC)

Is a body that is made up of all NSW's Regional Managers, Regional Council Chairpersons, Commissioners and the State Manger. The function of SAC is to liaise, co-ordinate and advise on state and national programs and policies.

NEIRC experienced lack of communication between SAC and the Regional Councils and feels that SAC should not interfere or change Regional Council prioritising list and mandate given to Regional Council Chairperson or Commissioner or SAC is to be deleted.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

NEIRC have met with DEET on a few occasions to discuss issues regarding employment policies and programs and how they can work together to provide a better service to both their clients. No MOU was reached due to the complexity of each agency. NEIRC would encourage the new Council to arrange a MOU with DEET.


That the North Eastern Indigenous Regional Council request a review to be conducted into the policy area of ATSIC Home Loans to examine all criteria affecting: 1. Aboriginality 2. Eligibility 3. Loan amounts and income ceilings 4 Interest rates (Housing/renovation/extensions) 5. Repayment And other relevant policy areas.

Women's Issues

Greater access to funding opportunities to promote the role of women within indigenous society and to assist in facilitating the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women across Australian society. 1995/96 Funding $100,000.

Major Outcomes:

                          - Benelongs Haven -Domestic Violence Counselling Portfolio members: Councillors Kim Hill, Beverly Mcllwraith, Betty Cohen, Brenda Smith and Zelma Moran. Portfolio met as a group in November 1995. Other decisions were made at Council meetings where the group broken away to discuss Women's Issues.


1995/96 funding National $4,000 Regional Council $50,000 NEIRC has hoped that each major town would conduct NAIDOC celebrations annually and that NEIRC would support such initiative. In 1996 Lismore was support with a $7,000 NAIDOC grant to conduct a NAIDOC Ball, Family Fun Day and a week of celebrations and various activities.

Funding Process for other Applications: Advertise - call for application with a defined closing date distribute monies equally amongst applications.

Funds have been allocated to Bungree Aboriginal Association to act as a host organisation for distributing funds.

Sport and Recreation

Councillor Gordon Griffth who was the Chairperson of the Sport Portfolio for the NEIRC will present to the new Council a paper on the policies decided by the Portfolio group.

These policies were not endorsed by the full Council.

The paper will be presented at the first Regional Council meeting after the induction.

Also attached is a procedural paper prepared by the Lismore Regional Office.

Administrative Procedures applying to Sport and Recreation Grants:

Each year NEIRC allocates a bulk amount for Regional Sport & Recreation grants. These funds are administered by Nungera Co-operative Society Ltd who act as a "banker" organisation. In 1996/97 NEIRC have allocated $70,000 to this program.

Sport & Recreation applications are received at this office and are co-ordinated by the Regional Council Support Unit (Elizabeth Griffiths). At regular intervals such applications are presented to either the full NEIRC or the NEIRC Sport and Recreation Portfolio Councillor for consideration. The deterrnining body then informs Nungera as to who has been allocated funds and Nungera in turn sends a cheque in that amount to the recipient.

This process led to uncertainty at various times in 95/96 with Nungera and NEIRC unsure as to the amount of funds available at any given time.

A problem that occurs in the acquittal process for Nungera is that the recipients of the funds from Nungera do not send any acknowledgment of expenditure of the funds or that the funds have been spent on the correct items.

In a bid to overcome these problems the following process is suggested.